Sunday, August 18, 2013

Elephant Recess

One morning our assignment was to find the elephants, try to count them and take pictures.  Now, at this point in my trip I have seen A GAZILLION elephants and was a bit blasé about the whole thing.  Here's the thing about animals though, they always have something wonderful up their sleeves, or trunks in this case.  

After about an hour of tracking a female who is part of the breeding herd, we realized they were heading for the river.  We found a high, secluded vantage point overlooking the water and what do we see? A lone male drinking by the water.  No big deal. 

 But then, one by one, the breeding herd came out of the tree line and started making their way to the water.  The male turned around and, instead of making some show or stand off, greeted some of the younger ones as they passed!  It was mesmerizing!  

All in all 22 elephants of all ages and sizes.

  The babies started playing in the sand, literally roughhousing to the point of needed to be put straight by an adult.  So much like us... So much, like us.